FRC values are the foundational blocks where service and treatment philosophy are developed. They are comprised of seven key fundamentals. They are integrity, diversity, innovation, excellence, ongoing knowledge, client centered, and partnership and teamwork.
Integrity: FRC takes personal responsibility for making certain that all receive that highest standards of professional conduct when dealing with staff.
Diversity: FRC appreciates the unique differences of all individuals and recognize their unchanging rights to dignity, respect, fairness and equality.
Innovation: We are committed to being open to change, implementing ideas that will improve treatment services and outcomes
Excellence: FRC is committed to the delivery of service that is impeccable, productive and employs positive and desirable outcomes.
Ongoing Knowledge: FRC views change as an opportunity and embrace and seize the chance to acquire new skills for the betterment of our personal and professional growth.
Client Centered: FRC is committed to providing safe, informative, accessible and relevant service to our clients in the communities in which they reside, work and participate as consumers.
Partnership and Teamwork: FRC is committed to establishing and maintaining relationships with the treatment team, persons served their family, the community and all interested parties that exceed expectations. Additionally, we are committed to building and sustaining positive relationships and connections with others that have a mutual interest that result in establishing a partnership.